Latest Windows 11 Tweaks, Tips & How-To Articles

I recently upgraded my home network from gigabit to 10G so I could take advantage of faster transfers between my Synology NAS, Proxmox server, and workstations. But while editing family video clips stored on my NAS, something did not feel right. Every device was connected at 10GbE, but file copy speeds were slower than expected. This made me wonder, are there bottlenecks in my network?
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With remote work the new standard, having a fast and quality Internet connection and WiFi has become as important as reliable electricity. And if you work in IT support, confirming an end user's home internet, internal network, and WiFi is healthy without errors is the first step of troubleshooting any slowness or video conferencing issue with Zoom, Webex or Teams.
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Windows 11 introduces a brand new version of Microsoft Teams build for consumers. This can be quite annoying if you are a business customer of Microsoft and use the commercial version of Microsoft Teams. End users can end up with two versions of Teams which can be very confusing. And good luck trying to explain what version of Teams they should be running since they are both called Microsoft Teams.
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