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There are many situations when you need to view hidden files on Mac. Especially if you are doing software development as there are a lot of files that start with a . (dot), such as the .gitignore file, as any file that starts with a dot is hidden automatically. This was especially annoying for me when I realized my Eleventy configuration file .eleventy.js was missing because Finder does not...

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I recently helped migrate an Office 365 contact list over to the Apple Contacts ecosystem. While there are a lot of off-the-shelf products you can buy, I approached this as a project to build a free CSV to vCard (VCF) conversion tool (built right into this page) that would help anyone else in a similar situation without having to buy or install anything.

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The file system structure on most Linux distributions is loosely based on something called the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard which guides the usage of the various root directories. This article was created to help beginner Linux users with a "cheat sheet" of the most common Linux directories along with a deeper detailed explanation...

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I recently rewrote using Eleventy (11ty) to build the entire site with static HTML pages moving away from dynamic server pages that powered this site for over 20+ years. This change increases site performance and scales extremely well. There are a few useful tricks I learned along the way, starting with this article about pagination-generated pages missing from the...

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I like to organize my macOS/OS X dock by arranging similar app icons together into groups and then separating the groups visually with spaces using a hidden dock feature called spacer tiles. If you have a lot of apps on your Dock, spacer tiles can make it easier to find the right app quickly and also make your dock look less cluttered.

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With remote work the new standard, having a fast and quality Internet connection and WiFi has become as important as reliable electricity. And if you work in IT support, confirming an end user's home internet, internal network, and WiFi is healthy without errors is the first step of troubleshooting any slowness or video conferencing issue with Zoom, Webex or Teams.

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This project was created to automatically monitor the AIMS Power 1250W Power Inverter Charger (PICOGLF12W12V120AL) and connected deep-cycle battery(s) via Home Assistant using MQTT and the UART serial port pins of a Raspberry Pi Zero W connected to the inverter...

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More and more Internet providers are implementing bandwidth caps on home internet services which requires awareness of how much data is downloaded (and uploaded) in your household every month to avoid extra overage fees. If you have invested in the Ubiquiti UniFi network ecosystem, you have a powerful network controller that tracks a lot of useful information...

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Windows 11 introduces a brand new version of Microsoft Teams build for consumers.  This can be quite annoying if you are a business customer of Microsoft and use the commercial version of Microsoft Teams.  End users can end up with two versions of Teams which can be very confusing.  And good luck trying to explain what version of Teams they should be running since they are both called Microsoft Teams.

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Some users have reported after installing Windows 11 on devices with touch screens the virtual keyboard icon is missing from the taskbar.  This can be very frustrating if you have a touch only tablet and you must plug in an external USB keyboard to be able to work.  Don't worry, the virtual keyboard functionality is still in Windows, it is just hiding by default upon a new install.  Follow these steps...

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