To make iMesh run better do the followingxml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /
Run regedit (Start > Run > and type regedit)
Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > iMesh > Client
Then go to ‘Transfer’ and click on ‘ConcurrentDownloads’ change to ‘Decimal’ and change the number to ‘100’ then change it back to ‘Hexadecimal’ and click ‘Ok’
Then click on ‘ConcurrentUploads’ change to ‘Decimal’ and change the number to ‘100’ and then change it back to ‘Hexadecimal’ and click ‘Ok’
Then navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > iMesh > Client
Then click on ‘HIDESPLASH’ and change it to ‘0’ and click ‘Ok’
Then click on ‘SHOWONLYAVAILABLERESULTS’ and change the number to ‘0’ and click ‘Ok’
Then click on ‘WhatsUpUrl’ and change it to
If you also have KaZaA media desktop installed you can add KaZaA’s new server onto iMesh by doing the following
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > KAZAA > ConnectionInfo
And click on ‘KazaaNet’ and highlight all the text in it (don’t worry it inst spose to copy the 4 numbers at the start) and ‘Copy’ the text (right-click then copy) and click ‘Ok’
Then navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > iMesh > Client > ConnectionInfo
‘Right click’ and then click ‘New’ then ‘Binary Value’ then name it ‘KazaaNet’ then double click on it and ‘Paste’ all the contents into the text area and then click ‘Ok’
If you want iMesh to start in the taskbar do the following
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > iMesh > Client >
Then click on ‘StartInTray’ and change the number to ‘1’ and click ‘Ok’
If in iMesh you wish to click the ‘Archive’ button and for it to take you to your downloads (if you have changed the default download location) (C:\My Downloads) do the following
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > iMesh > Client >
- Click on ‘DownloadsLocation’ and change the location to wherever your completed downloads are located
If you want iMesh’s Chat link to take you straight to the Elite X message board do the following
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > iMesh > Client >
The click on ‘ChatUrl’ and then delete the link displayed and replace it with this link
Please to keep track of what version Tweak you have please do the following
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > iMesh > Client >
Then click on ‘Version’ and replace the current text with this text ‘3.1-2.5’ and click ‘Ok’
After all this exit RegEdit and then open iMesh to see and experience Elite iMesh