If you would like to change the warning that appears at the top of each new message window that opens in windows messenger you may do this as follows.
Read MoreComplete the steps outlined below to successfully Administer (using WMI) many Remote settings on a Windows XP Pro machine.
Read MoreJust click on rename and type alt + 0160 (on the numeric keypad) it will make a invisible character
Read MoreHere's a useful tip that may help to correct problems some people might have. In fact, it is so basic and practical, I wonder why it hasn't appeared in the TweakXP listing already. It simply replaces needed operating system files.(missing Dlls, etc.) It takes several minutes to accomplish its work, however. Perhaps as long as twenty minutes.
Read MoreWithin Explorer, in Folder Options/View tab/Advanced Settings, you can check the "Remember each folder's view settings". From this moment, each Explorer's window, including My Computer, Recycle Bin, Control Panel, Network Connections or Printers should always open itself at the same defined position, with the same defined size and selected columns.
Read MoreThere are several things one can do to protect against intruders. Of course the old adage applies here as well, 'locks keep honest people out'; in other words, if they want in, they will keep trying and eventually will be able to get in through some kind of exploit. The following are some tips that can greatly slow them down and make it nearly impossible for them to get in. If you use file sharing... Read More
If you have more then one OS installed on your computer, but you don't use it very often, then you would probably want to boost up the startup by skiping the OS selection screen.
Read MoreIf you want to change the owner and organization in System Properties, just do the following:
Read MoreDefeating group policiesxml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /
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